Friday, June 20, 2008

Long time no Blog....

Wow been so busy no time for blogging been thinking of it though just have time to put music on. Ha thats just for me so I can put it up and listen. Well lots have happened in the last few months I had just found out the my Sister kids were taken from her in June of 2008. I had not found out til Dec of 2008. Those poor kids in the DSS care. Luckily they were both in a good place but they were not with each other.It took me 3 long months to get them,lots of people told me that I was nuts and did I no what I was doing. My only answer to them was what if it were your child how would you feel. All my siblings with children of there own I can even believe that they could look that other way. Well it has been three long months now and we are building a small family. I had made the chose not to have children for a reason. Funny how that is now am a full fledged supper mom. Who loves the fact that kids go to school and love the fact that after school programs exist. And Thank the lord for summer camp. Last night we went on the town to celebrate that the older one is going to be jumped a head next year. Me myself who dose not have very good learning skills manage to make it happen even though when I started her in the new school they didn't recommend it. With persistence It happened "So that's what I have been up to" And YOU?


Anonymous said...

Hey! nice to know of the things that have been changing in your life.I hope you are happy :)
Sorry to hear about your sister.

foof said...

It's all good Maya how are you I was wonder how you are miss having you around my blog hope things with you are well.How is you pup? Is he acting better now he is getting older. Hope you come by more often been away on v-k just got back....

Anonymous said...

My pup is a big dog now.he's still kinda irritating but I still love him.He is way better than before though.Where did you vacation?