Its Thursday and am taking the day off how strange that I get to say am not going to open today don't get me wrong am not just closing because I want to am going to a food show... Who would ever think I would be going to a food show I've been to hair shows bead shows and now a food show. I don't think I will be there very long just an excuse to take some time of. This is are busy season being the end of the school year and all.. Last week was a busy work week as well as I had six catering gigs on the side five of them were on the same day O-my don't ask me how I did it but I did run run run none stop.As well as it was family day at the Museum so the cafe was opened for that I had a gig that day to.. So I worked all through the weekend back to a busy week this week to have to work this weekend as well for 3 more gigs. Not at all complaining because that means am becoming that more successful... By next year maybe I can go to Paris for the summer or buy a house no more landlords that would be nice...
It's All good things to look forward to for all of my hard work I wish that I had someone that could share my success but it also very rewarding to no that I have done this all myself and just the help of my friends for the small stuff. I don't very often invite people to the advents that we have its nice I don't have to promote any of them I get paid no matter what sometimes it's sad how many people don't relies how cool it is that you can pay only five dollar to see grate exhibits in really nice Museum and have good food and wine... People here don't even get it they think that five dollars is a lot of money go figure any ways am taking the day off....
wow.looks like you are having a great time.do let me know how the food exhibit went.must be fun.
and yes,it would be so wonderful to own your own house.that's my dream foof:)
but i can't have it soon:(
Sorry Maya keep at it and you will have it your still young I got some years on you.... The food show was okay it wasn't that grate but it was fun to have the day off. :)
yeah i know .i'll keep dreaming of what my ideal house should look like..tell me what you would like in your ideal house.
good to know your spent a nice holiday well
Something with a nice big kichen that over looks the water would work for me.... Hee hee maybe not this life time but you never no..
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