Am so tired I can't even see the word am typing I have so many other things I should be doing... I have bills to pay things to address and things to take care of, but am so god damb tired that I can not even do it.. I need to pee and am to tired to even do that I need to go to bed and am to tired to do that... I have the money to pay the bills but am to tired to do that... Am having a big advent tomorrow at the cafe...
We are doing a choc foutain for 150 people maybe 200... I don't even no how am going to do that am so worryed about it I have been dreaming about chocalate for 5 day's now Iam so tired that I cant even explain what is in my head I wish that, what was in my brain. I could put in text for you... It is very hard because of what god put in my brian is not in my text..... It is so much for me to exsplain because am so tired it makes it so very hard... The words you see aren't to you so very clear. But for me they are just a dance just as the dream of chocalate...... Am so tired that I don't even want to cut and paste and put on my other program to see what I have miss spelled and if you can't get the just---- then maybe you should check again to see if I woke and cut and paste....
hey nice picture.wow a choc do.that sounds scrumptious.hope u made it through the day and hope u take good enough rest.u seem to really need it.
I will be very busy from now until the kid get done with school... Next week sould be a little more restful with them being on spring breck... I should not be complaning because the money is good it just a lot of work... Being a new owner and all.... Thanks Maya for the suport though.. Hope alls well with you job.
yeah i guess you will get used to it soon.it takes time to break it all down to one huge routine.you'll be able to handle it.you always have.
Thanks Maya...
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