My life dosen't suck or dose it I don't seem to no any more which way to turn I still can't beleave that my mother is dead it seems so sereal sometimes I pick up the phone thinking I will ask her something I don't no I will be thinking I wonder how long we had that for and I think I will just ask mom and I can't. Sometimes I can't understand it sucks Knowing that you are really alone that its all up to you and no one else.
Its not like its something new I have always done it alone but I always felt that there was this little blanket... Well that blanket was just ripped off of me and sometimes it gets rather cold. I have these strange dreams and there not nice there more like vision, vision of you in your worst state there like flash backs. Sometimes I will be awake and they just pop into my head sometimes I will be sleeping and I awake and start gasping for my air... Last night I had one of thoughs awake but sleeping dreams when I thought I was a wake but really I was sleeping and trying to wake up something was wrong something did not feel right I fear that someone was in my space and it was not welcome I could not move and I thought to myself if I could only just move my leg things would be alright... I couldn't move not even a wiggle fear was running all through me then I realised that if I were in real danger the dogs would have been going crazy then I manage to move and awoke just to be all alone once again alone....

I'm sorry you feel that way Foofi.
I'll always love you no matter what.
That's a fantastic pic of mum - it's so her.
The sky behind so beautiful.
I know she is looking down on you with pride at what you've accomplished lately. She can still see and hear you.
Love, Jo
oh i am so sorry about how you are feeling.i was just talking to my mom cos I fell ill and I was supposed to meet her i am afraid i might not be able to see her.she felt bad about it.but i was thinking when you said that you pick up the phone and then u realise you can't call her.It struck a chord in me somewhere wondering man that will feel so much like a black hole.i mean not being able to speak to your sorry foof.i know i can't make it better but i sure hope and pray for you tonight that you are surrounded with a lot of love.
Thanks Jo I Know your there and that you love me no matter what!!! I Just Miss My MOMMA...... (I LOVE YOU MOMMA!!!)
Thanks Maya it really helps with your thought of prayer just for me.. :)
Not trying to be a downer just thoughts that are streaming through my life and my dreams.....
don't worry foof.i am there can talk to me about anything:)
Thanks maya P.S. I been having better dreams since you said you would pray for love for me thanks so much I enjoy getting your comments on my blog I will talk to you when you return...
am glad you are sleeping well now.i want you to have the best in life.enjoy
Thanks Maya
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