Saturday, December 31, 2005
Boy O Boy

Who would have thought wow what a night well, as I have been posting I have been a bit of a hermit lately.Last night I came out of my cave to go to a New years party at my sister in laws and brothers house marry marry.So I get to see almost all of what is left of my family, getting ready for that. Even went out and got some dancing boots blue suede to boot.. And don't forget the Silver Tequila o Boy thought that we would be skipping out early on that party and finish it off with a night out dancing the night away.It's going to be a drag being all marred folks and all how could that be fun...
Well some how I became the Congo in the Congo line.......
I was dancing and next thing I no I am the congo if you don't no what the congo in the congo line is well how would you no if you have never been one.
Next thing I no I am in the air and there are scream people in the back ground saying go head go head well all I can say is it must have been toughs boots....
Need less to say 7:00 became 1:30 and there was no skipping out to dance the night away.who would have funk....
Friday, December 30, 2005
Well Ive been locked inside my house now for 7 days I have gone out for odds and ends like food and other goods like new toilet seat and such I made a company choice the other day and. Closed my cafe down for 10 day's could have gone some were if I had Known that I was closing shop. Maybe next year sunny beach and hot ballmey weather. Any way I saw the chance to get some well deserved rest I had been running since my mom died had not even had the chance to take a pee. So I closed my door at work and I have not even gone to check on My sweet cafe.I love my cafe and my job it's alot of work and it can be very scary at times but it is mine and am the boss wow I can't believe that am really the boss.Any way back to staying home for 7 days there a couple of reason one I just did not even feel like it. Happy, happy, happy, what the fuck is so happy about It. No really am not saying at all to be a bahh hum bug I love the lights and the joy of it and all. But this was the first year with out my mom I miss her. Not that I have not spent X-mass alone before I have done that many times.. It's just I can't even call any more it seems so surreal I keep thinking that she just on a little trip right now and I will talk to her latter. Am so sick of crying cry for you cry for me. You would think by now I could cry me a river.. And it's been raining and raining I loved the rain but this rain could not bring me down any more....
Today the sun is shining I woke to my room being full of sun that was a nice surprise well I have been inside for many day's but I have managed to get some lone over due things done in my house between my mom dyeing and my new cafe and depression not any time and and just being over whelm ed my house looked like crap. Not only do I have enough crap of my own I inherited some more crap from the loss of my mother not saying that it was crap its just more stuff lord knows I don't need any more things... So on the up scale I have been spending day's going through crap I managed to fill my car with crap stuff that I have not worn for years let alone, I don't think I would want to were it if I could. It's feels so good to clean house. Well don't get me wrong my house is not fully clean I did do what my goal was.
My goal was to clean out my one closet and make It the laundry room which I thought would just take a couple of hours not true whole day and my other goal was to paint the bathroom it had not been painted since I move here. That was going to be an easy job I painted for a living for a year it's a small room it should not be any problem Got the closet done before the bathroom were ahead of things. Wrong took me Two days to paint that bathroom. I discovered that I really don't enjoy painting that much.
Boy was I glad that I took before and after pictures because it looked the same as it ever had. Looked so normal that it seemed I should not even have bothered. You will see what I mean do you think any one will even bother to sit down and read this whole story it's kind of hum drum.
Today the sun is shining I woke to my room being full of sun that was a nice surprise well I have been inside for many day's but I have managed to get some lone over due things done in my house between my mom dyeing and my new cafe and depression not any time and and just being over whelm ed my house looked like crap. Not only do I have enough crap of my own I inherited some more crap from the loss of my mother not saying that it was crap its just more stuff lord knows I don't need any more things... So on the up scale I have been spending day's going through crap I managed to fill my car with crap stuff that I have not worn for years let alone, I don't think I would want to were it if I could. It's feels so good to clean house. Well don't get me wrong my house is not fully clean I did do what my goal was.
My goal was to clean out my one closet and make It the laundry room which I thought would just take a couple of hours not true whole day and my other goal was to paint the bathroom it had not been painted since I move here. That was going to be an easy job I painted for a living for a year it's a small room it should not be any problem Got the closet done before the bathroom were ahead of things. Wrong took me Two days to paint that bathroom. I discovered that I really don't enjoy painting that much.
Boy was I glad that I took before and after pictures because it looked the same as it ever had. Looked so normal that it seemed I should not even have bothered. You will see what I mean do you think any one will even bother to sit down and read this whole story it's kind of hum drum.
Inspired to Write My Dream About an Old Friend
So it's been 4 years know and I thought that we could still be friends but I can see now that we have gone way to the other side. You now think am stocking your blogs and I don't understand the difference between loving a women or carrying for a women yes am a lesbian am glad that is all out in the open and I don't really think the world would stop today because you had shall we call it feelings for another women am going to go out on the limb here( So I’m going to consider this a brave sail out to the sea of my own truth and let the captain take the wheel for now. It is brave because I haven’t told the blogosphere about my experience with a lesbian who wanted me to be a lesbian and how I made her so angry.)
Am not angry about being a lesbian am not angry that your not a lesbian. I except that your not a lesbain and I don't want anything from you. My comments were sincere and I ment what they said I have known about your blogs for months I look through them to see what you have been up to. I comment on some but mostly I can't really relate to all that political stuff. Any way am sorry you feel as you do. I am not stocking your blogs and am sorry you feel that you can't take it any more am sorry that I hunt your dreams funny thing about your dreams they usually aren't at all what you think they are....Am happy for you that you have found a partner that loves and supports you and your family you deserve that I always felt that....Am truly happy for you and your goals...
Am not angry about being a lesbian am not angry that your not a lesbian. I except that your not a lesbain and I don't want anything from you. My comments were sincere and I ment what they said I have known about your blogs for months I look through them to see what you have been up to. I comment on some but mostly I can't really relate to all that political stuff. Any way am sorry you feel as you do. I am not stocking your blogs and am sorry you feel that you can't take it any more am sorry that I hunt your dreams funny thing about your dreams they usually aren't at all what you think they are....Am happy for you that you have found a partner that loves and supports you and your family you deserve that I always felt that....Am truly happy for you and your goals...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Monday, December 26, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Its Christmas day...

And it just me and the puppies seems to be it will always be just me and the puppies am so glad to have my new baby's. What would have been Christmas with out them.What are holidays for any way first time in many years that I even had a dime and no one to share the dime with so I think I will go sit on my new couch and have a morning drink and turn on the TV and look for some crazy X-mas story merry merry merry.....
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Well had two days off this weekend Sunday morning just what it should be sleep in see a little T.V. A flick on TNT got to love TNT love those old flicks....
Am to go out in to that Xmass madness and do some Shopping with my Xpartner now if that is not getting into the spirit I don't no what is..
Not like I have anyone to buy for anyway but it's the first year, in many that I can go out and really do some shopping so many of my years I have gone out shopping with so many of my friends and I just watched them shop and not buying any thing for my self were not just talking Xmass shopping were just talking shopping. Seems like I always had other things that were to important to spend money on rather than myself. Lately I have been spending most of my money on my cafe. It's still fun to shop because you don't feel like you should not be spending the money because you need it for work. It makes work alot nicer as well to have all these nice things to work with... Come to find out I guess the college closes for a month I did not realize this last year I must have came in just after winter break.. So it is to be a interesting break. Am looking forward to work slowing down a little. Been so busy don't really have to much time for a personal life but I don't have much of a personal life any way. Would be nice to share my time with someone but it would have to be someone who did not need me around very much because am a very busy girl.
O ya am getting a washer and dryer next week talk about a year, turned 40 this year got two kids. A four door and my own cafe and a washer and dryer to boot boy am I looking forward to not having to go to the laundry matt.. When you put you clothes in you never no what will come out am so looking forward to be doing something in my home while my clothes are in the wash...
A the pleasures of getting old.. This part of getting old I can get a hang of.
Am to go out in to that Xmass madness and do some Shopping with my Xpartner now if that is not getting into the spirit I don't no what is..
Not like I have anyone to buy for anyway but it's the first year, in many that I can go out and really do some shopping so many of my years I have gone out shopping with so many of my friends and I just watched them shop and not buying any thing for my self were not just talking Xmass shopping were just talking shopping. Seems like I always had other things that were to important to spend money on rather than myself. Lately I have been spending most of my money on my cafe. It's still fun to shop because you don't feel like you should not be spending the money because you need it for work. It makes work alot nicer as well to have all these nice things to work with... Come to find out I guess the college closes for a month I did not realize this last year I must have came in just after winter break.. So it is to be a interesting break. Am looking forward to work slowing down a little. Been so busy don't really have to much time for a personal life but I don't have much of a personal life any way. Would be nice to share my time with someone but it would have to be someone who did not need me around very much because am a very busy girl.
O ya am getting a washer and dryer next week talk about a year, turned 40 this year got two kids. A four door and my own cafe and a washer and dryer to boot boy am I looking forward to not having to go to the laundry matt.. When you put you clothes in you never no what will come out am so looking forward to be doing something in my home while my clothes are in the wash...
A the pleasures of getting old.. This part of getting old I can get a hang of.
Friday, December 09, 2005
So Lets get going on to the new year. Had a big night to nite, was the big Arts Night Out we were to have 250 people come out to nite big 25 if we were lucky. Don't no what I have to say still got my money and then some... /What is the Xmass to bring any-way no one really to share it with I got the time but no one to fit into the time. First time in many years that faimly dose not come first, Xmass is time for God,,, I wonder were was God this year and then I look at this year there was lot of saddness as well as lot New Begings am looking forward to what the new year has to offer....
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Monday, December 05, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
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