So what dose it feel like to be the Bad guy? It sucks but I guess someone has to be the bad guy. Other wise you would still be all mixed up in the mix!!!
Who ever said lets just be friends was tripping there is no friendship after relationship. Some say it's no problem I say Fuck them if they can't take a joke....
Sometimes life is a joke you think you really no someone and really you don't no them at all.. I say lets stay in touch we can do this, you can't do it....
The only way it can be done is if you have both moved on. Some move on and some just skip along... lu lu skip to my lu skip to my lu my darlyn.....
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Shepard's Pie!!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
On a Good note...

One of my reg costomers came into day to pay off her tab yes I said tab I don't take credit cards yet because am so small and new that it is to much interest for me so I don't take the plastic just cold hard cash$$$$
So any way I have a tab book and I let them start a tab to the most part every one comes back and pays, some don't but we are talking peanuts compared to what I would have to pay in interest... So it all works out in the wash so any way back to the girl that was paying of her tab she opened up her purse and said I have come to pay off my tab I just came now because am here now and If I don't pay now I don't no when I will pay she pulls out her plastic and says here and I tell her I don't take that and she said o no problem and start digging all through her purse pulling every thing out and counting all this change and ones and take all this effert to pay me $5.20 I tell her no worrys am not worred get me next time don't worry and she keeps on counting I tell her really it is not a problem no worrys and she still keeps on counting I tell her do you need a coffee or any thing its not a problem she tell me no I have had only four hours of sleep and had allready had lots of coffee I tell her agian don't worry... Poor kids they work so hard and study so much that they can not even think any more... She then tells me she has more change in her car I again say don't worry am not worryed... She comes up with the money and gives me all this change I don't ever really care as far as am concerd it's all good I don't even want to count it she is very concerded that she gave me every thing.. This is when I ask her if she wanted any thing else did she need a coffee that is when she told me about the four hours sleep.Then she says befor she leave let me ask you some thing about my hair do you think my hair dresser missed a spot here is there a mistake with my hair .
Onther costumer is sitting there whaching this whole thing and wonder what is going on not Knowing that I was a hair dresser and I did hair for many year. So I pull her aside from away from my front counter and I start playing with her hair and I say yes he did miss a spot but it is not that big of a deal if she went back to the hair dresser they should see there mistake and fix it very fast maybe two mins I tell her if I had my sissors I could fix it for her no worrys they will fix that fast.
She gives me a big hug and then I tell her that she smells very good what is she wereing and she starts digging once again in her purse and pulls out this very pretty blue bottle with out its top I smell it and I say humm that's so nice and she keeps digging and then finds its top and puts it on and says you like it keep it I say no thats not nessasary and she pops on the top and starts to run away and am left standing there holding this very pretty bottle with the other costomer just sitting there two as she runs away we just look at each other and I say did you see that and she said yes... And I say good am glad I have a witness as am left standing with a bottle of Prada You all no what Prada is don't you????
Wow there is no time for me!!!
I wake in the morning and my feet are still pounding from the day before and am still lying in my bed I have not even got out of bed yet and the thought of getting up and the pain that am going to feel when I get out of bed. Don't get me wrong its not that I don't want to get out of bed... I just need more time.... Am so busy at work I walk in the door and it starts from there, there is not any down time it is run run run...Am not complaining it means that we are very busy I love that busy means money...
It is just a lot of work for one person there is some much to do you can not even think I forget to go to the john until it is to late.... It's lunch time now and you got some hungry people coming in what to do.... Just feed them and send them on there way..
Some times it is so hard because we have one hour that is very very busy and everyone comes all at once and they think that they should get there lunch first never mind the 7 people a head of them that order before them some times I want to get up on the counter and say hay listen here you all this is not Mickey Dees drive up you are at Sam's just wait your turn and you will all get what is coming to you and you certainly will have a nice meal.....
So after I ran around like a crazy women today got the coffee going got the soup going feed everyone there breakfast then it's time to run to the store to get what we need for lunch to only run back to work to hurry to get every thing in its place to feed all my hungry customers to run run run then....
Then as soon as that is done I have to have two meetings back to back about up coming ad vents as well as my salemen coming in and then answer all the e-mails and phone calls for more up and coming ad vents on my what is a girl to do???
Am so not complaining but boy o boy I need some help here is there any one out there it is not that I can't afford to pay them.... I need someone that thinks like me someone that can see the money someone that is willing to take the ride because this is going to be some ride there is alot that can happen here I just need someone that is willing to help me and work the same as me.... there is alot of hard work but there is some off time...... Work hard and then rest looks like were talking two to three times a year I can live with that am talk vacations two too three... Is there any one out there......
It is just a lot of work for one person there is some much to do you can not even think I forget to go to the john until it is to late.... It's lunch time now and you got some hungry people coming in what to do.... Just feed them and send them on there way..
Some times it is so hard because we have one hour that is very very busy and everyone comes all at once and they think that they should get there lunch first never mind the 7 people a head of them that order before them some times I want to get up on the counter and say hay listen here you all this is not Mickey Dees drive up you are at Sam's just wait your turn and you will all get what is coming to you and you certainly will have a nice meal.....
So after I ran around like a crazy women today got the coffee going got the soup going feed everyone there breakfast then it's time to run to the store to get what we need for lunch to only run back to work to hurry to get every thing in its place to feed all my hungry customers to run run run then....
Then as soon as that is done I have to have two meetings back to back about up coming ad vents as well as my salemen coming in and then answer all the e-mails and phone calls for more up and coming ad vents on my what is a girl to do???
Am so not complaining but boy o boy I need some help here is there any one out there it is not that I can't afford to pay them.... I need someone that thinks like me someone that can see the money someone that is willing to take the ride because this is going to be some ride there is alot that can happen here I just need someone that is willing to help me and work the same as me.... there is alot of hard work but there is some off time...... Work hard and then rest looks like were talking two to three times a year I can live with that am talk vacations two too three... Is there any one out there......
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Fight diseases naturally
Did you know that:
* An apple a day really keeps the doctor away: Potent weapons against cancer, heart disease, asthma and Type II diabetes. They are also filled with super antioxidants.
* Pomegranates: Pomegranate juice has three times the antioxidant power of green tea or even red wine. The juice has been shown to lower blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health and reduce cholesterol
* Garlic: Yes!! Garlic helps fight cancer and cardiovascular disease as well as having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
* Onions: Lowers cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
* Cinnamon: Half a teaspoon a day lowers blood-sugar levels in patients with Type II diabetes and brought down their bad cholesterol. For a double benefit, try substituting spices for salt. Also, smelling cinnamon offers a “brain boost” and it is anti-bacterial. It has been effective in fighting E.coli
* Dark Chocolate: They help boost the production of nitric oxide in blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow
* Extra virgin olive oil: Olive oil can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, lower blood pressure and improve heart health.The greener the oil,the better it is.
Fight diseases naturally
Did you know that:
* An apple a day really keeps the doctor away: Potent weapons against cancer, heart disease, asthma and Type II diabetes. They are also filled with super antioxidants.
* Pomegranates: Pomegranate juice has three times the antioxidant power of green tea or even red wine. The juice has been shown to lower blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health and reduce cholesterol
* Garlic: Yes!! Garlic helps fight cancer and cardiovascular disease as well as having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
* Onions: Lowers cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
* Cinnamon: Half a teaspoon a day lowers blood-sugar levels in patients with Type II diabetes and brought down their bad cholesterol. For a double benefit, try substituting spices for salt. Also, smelling cinnamon offers a “brain boost” and it is anti-bacterial. It has been effective in fighting E.coli
* Dark Chocolate: They help boost the production of nitric oxide in blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow
* Extra virgin olive oil: Olive oil can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, lower blood pressure and improve heart health.The greener the oil,the better it is.
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I don't want to cry anymore....
I don't even no why I cry, cry, for you cry for me. My head justs wants to snap...
My life its not so bad but if I only felt complete what is that any way....
I miss so much I don't even no what to think maybe if I just go rest my head I will feel better in the day am so scared to lay in the dark all alone..
Days like this I understand why some of us just leave and say are good bye.
I will see you on a sunny day....
My life its not so bad but if I only felt complete what is that any way....
I miss so much I don't even no what to think maybe if I just go rest my head I will feel better in the day am so scared to lay in the dark all alone..
Days like this I understand why some of us just leave and say are good bye.
I will see you on a sunny day....
Friday, February 10, 2006
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Monday, February 06, 2006
Oh ya so the party!!!

Well the party was a big hit there were between 75 to 100 people there ever one had a fun time there was a very fun vibe happening... Alot of my friends and family were there Yes I said family. Did not no what was up with that but they were there it was a very nice feeling things seem to just work, there were alot of people there that had not ever seen my place and really injoyed themselfs. There were black beans and rice and with home made chips and shrimp flowing. People today were coming up to me and telling me what a nice party it was...
And am sure you were wondering if I wore the red boots I am saving them for someother time......And no one took a picture of what I was wearing but I looked Fab
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Dear Sam,
I am so sorry to hear about your mom....Roxy told me on Saturday and she said
she hadn't yet spoken to you.
It's so hard to lose a parent as I know from my dad's passing in July...we just
had a West Coast get together for my dad on Sat. for my relatives from here that
couldn't get back east for the funeral.
I hope you are doing ok....please know that I'm thinking of you and praying for
Thanks Michelle that was so nice to get your note. How are things did you have a baby?? I think I herd something about that am I right am not sure..... Things for me have very good for me exsept the fact that my mom died she died in 3 months after finding out she had cancer....It sucks she just had got a new home in which I spent the whole summer rentervating that was a drag...
Then there was family shit that came with it, money and so forth I really don't feel like I no my family any more if it was not for my new cafe' I would be so out of here... Yes I said cafe' I own a cafe in the Smith college Museum of art... I would love to talk to you and catch up on things.. Attached is a link to the cafe' love sam
Hi Sam,
So nice to hear from you....I actually started crying when Roxy told me the news about your mom. When was the funeral? I hope your siblings aren't treating you bad.....I went thru a bit of that myself in my family...long story. (they always are!)
By the way...I never had the baby...I was about 4 months pregnant and had a I'm too old and my eggs are dried up so I lost my chance...I went into a pretty long depression after that....
I am so proud of you with your's gorgeous!!!! Marc said he's been to Smith's and it beautiful there! He also said...check out their looks like "SAM"!
How did you score THAT???? I love the menu too....very artsy-fartsy and kinda Californian! I'm so happy for you!
Tonight we have a party for a film Marc and I are involved with...check it out if you can...I'll forward the invite and info....
In the words of Sam...."Ciao doll!"
Please join us Thursday- February 2nd, 9:00pm @ El Guapo (7250
Melrose Ave) for the Spike TV Premiere of THE OUTDOORSMEN: Blood,
Sweat & Beers. The show starts at 10:00pm and will run until
11:30pm. There will be Hors D'oeuvres and $1 Beers. In addition we
will be celebrating our upcoming DVD Release by Mackinac (Avaliable
4/11/06) and our Theatrical Release to be distributed by B-Side
(opening in Austin,TX- Anchorage, AK - Arlington, VA & Seattle WA
just for starters). Please go to:
for more information. Also go to
TheOutdoorsmen.html to play our brand new Outdoorsmen Video Game. If
you cannot make it then tune into Spike TV on Sat. Feb 4, 2006 @
7:00pm to see the recast. Go to and look under Movies /
The Outdoorsmen for more info / upcoming air-dates. Feel free to
tell your friends!
I am so sorry to hear about your mom....Roxy told me on Saturday and she said
she hadn't yet spoken to you.
It's so hard to lose a parent as I know from my dad's passing in July...we just
had a West Coast get together for my dad on Sat. for my relatives from here that
couldn't get back east for the funeral.
I hope you are doing ok....please know that I'm thinking of you and praying for
Thanks Michelle that was so nice to get your note. How are things did you have a baby?? I think I herd something about that am I right am not sure..... Things for me have very good for me exsept the fact that my mom died she died in 3 months after finding out she had cancer....It sucks she just had got a new home in which I spent the whole summer rentervating that was a drag...
Then there was family shit that came with it, money and so forth I really don't feel like I no my family any more if it was not for my new cafe' I would be so out of here... Yes I said cafe' I own a cafe in the Smith college Museum of art... I would love to talk to you and catch up on things.. Attached is a link to the cafe' love sam
Hi Sam,
So nice to hear from you....I actually started crying when Roxy told me the news about your mom. When was the funeral? I hope your siblings aren't treating you bad.....I went thru a bit of that myself in my family...long story. (they always are!)
By the way...I never had the baby...I was about 4 months pregnant and had a I'm too old and my eggs are dried up so I lost my chance...I went into a pretty long depression after that....
I am so proud of you with your's gorgeous!!!! Marc said he's been to Smith's and it beautiful there! He also said...check out their looks like "SAM"!
How did you score THAT???? I love the menu too....very artsy-fartsy and kinda Californian! I'm so happy for you!
Tonight we have a party for a film Marc and I are involved with...check it out if you can...I'll forward the invite and info....
In the words of Sam...."Ciao doll!"
Please join us Thursday- February 2nd, 9:00pm @ El Guapo (7250
Melrose Ave) for the Spike TV Premiere of THE OUTDOORSMEN: Blood,
Sweat & Beers. The show starts at 10:00pm and will run until
11:30pm. There will be Hors D'oeuvres and $1 Beers. In addition we
will be celebrating our upcoming DVD Release by Mackinac (Avaliable
4/11/06) and our Theatrical Release to be distributed by B-Side
(opening in Austin,TX- Anchorage, AK - Arlington, VA & Seattle WA
just for starters). Please go to:
for more information. Also go to
TheOutdoorsmen.html to play our brand new Outdoorsmen Video Game. If
you cannot make it then tune into Spike TV on Sat. Feb 4, 2006 @
7:00pm to see the recast. Go to and look under Movies /
The Outdoorsmen for more info / upcoming air-dates. Feel free to
tell your friends!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
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