One of my reg costomers came into day to pay off her tab yes I said tab I don't take credit cards yet because am so small and new that it is to much interest for me so I don't take the plastic just cold hard cash$$$$
So any way I have a tab book and I let them start a tab to the most part every one comes back and pays, some don't but we are talking peanuts compared to what I would have to pay in interest... So it all works out in the wash so any way back to the girl that was paying of her tab she opened up her purse and said I have come to pay off my tab I just came now because am here now and If I don't pay now I don't no when I will pay she pulls out her plastic and says here and I tell her I don't take that and she said o no problem and start digging all through her purse pulling every thing out and counting all this change and ones and take all this effert to pay me $5.20 I tell her no worrys am not worred get me next time don't worry and she keeps on counting I tell her really it is not a problem no worrys and she still keeps on counting I tell her do you need a coffee or any thing its not a problem she tell me no I have had only four hours of sleep and had allready had lots of coffee I tell her agian don't worry... Poor kids they work so hard and study so much that they can not even think any more... She then tells me she has more change in her car I again say don't worry am not worryed... She comes up with the money and gives me all this change I don't ever really care as far as am concerd it's all good I don't even want to count it she is very concerded that she gave me every thing.. This is when I ask her if she wanted any thing else did she need a coffee that is when she told me about the four hours sleep.Then she says befor she leave let me ask you some thing about my hair do you think my hair dresser missed a spot here is there a mistake with my hair .
Onther costumer is sitting there whaching this whole thing and wonder what is going on not Knowing that I was a hair dresser and I did hair for many year. So I pull her aside from away from my front counter and I start playing with her hair and I say yes he did miss a spot but it is not that big of a deal if she went back to the hair dresser they should see there mistake and fix it very fast maybe two mins I tell her if I had my sissors I could fix it for her no worrys they will fix that fast.
She gives me a big hug and then I tell her that she smells very good what is she wereing and she starts digging once again in her purse and pulls out this very pretty blue bottle with out its top I smell it and I say humm that's so nice and she keeps digging and then finds its top and puts it on and says you like it keep it I say no thats not nessasary and she pops on the top and starts to run away and am left standing there holding this very pretty bottle with the other costomer just sitting there two as she runs away we just look at each other and I say did you see that and she said yes... And I say good am glad I have a witness as am left standing with a bottle of Prada You all no what Prada is don't you????
A bottle of Prada ...wowee..haha ..ey lovely pic..the blue is so beautiful.
And I loved your writing.it was like someone was telling a nice story.well written
Thanks Maya I really wanted to write what I felt....And hoped that someone else could feel it too.. P.S. yes it is a nice blue bottle it really looks that nice. I leave it at work and I put it on when I feel like jazzing it up a bit..
wow really,do write more like this.its really so nice to read.
I like to write but it is very hard for me because what is going on in my brain I can not put in words because I do not Know how to spell so when am thinking about what is in my head I can not exspress it in the way I want to..
I can not even spell the word I want. What am trying to say is I think that I can't articulate???? The word I want, and I can't spell that right so. I hope you no what a mean by that. I write it then I copy and paste and do spell check in a whole other program and sometimes am so far off. That spell check has no clue to what am trying to spell...
O My what is a girl to do?
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