Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Fight diseases naturally
Did you know that:

* An apple a day really keeps the doctor away: Potent weapons against cancer, heart disease, asthma and Type II diabetes. They are also filled with super antioxidants.
* Pomegranates: Pomegranate juice has three times the antioxidant power of green tea or even red wine. The juice has been shown to lower blood pressure, improves cardiovascular health and reduce cholesterol
* Garlic: Yes!! Garlic helps fight cancer and cardiovascular disease as well as having anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties.
* Onions: Lowers cholesterol levels and high blood pressure.
* Cinnamon: Half a teaspoon a day lowers blood-sugar levels in patients with Type II diabetes and brought down their bad cholesterol. For a double benefit, try substituting spices for salt. Also, smelling cinnamon offers a “brain boost” and it is anti-bacterial. It has been effective in fighting E.coli
* Dark Chocolate: They help boost the production of nitric oxide in blood vessels, lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow
* Extra virgin olive oil: Olive oil can reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, lower blood pressure and improve heart health.The greener the oil,the better it is.

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